
发一首歌:最完美的高音Cyndi Lauper 《I m Gonna Be Strong》


发一首歌:最完美的高音Cyndi Lauper 《I m Gonna Be Strong》

Cyndi Lauper,全名:Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper Thornton。
1975 年开始,她在纽约的很多不同场所演唱,主要是翻唱一些著名的乐队作品,包括:Jefferson Airplane, Led Zeppelin, Bad Company等,也曾经打上排行榜。1977年,声带严重受损导致失声。经过整整一年的治疗,她重新回到舞台。加入乐队蓝天使Blue Angel。

自1983年底推出首张个人专辑《She's so unusual》起,便以其极尽鲜艳、夸张与多变的妆扮造型领导风潮,同时又以其演唱与创作才华,获得乐界一致好评,不仅专辑销售达六百万张、创下首张专辑便拥有四首TOP 5单曲的纪录外,更于翌年获第27届葛莱美奖年度最佳歌曲等五个奖项提名,并勇夺最佳新进艺人头衔,风头之健仅次于Michael Jackson。其后的经典作品包括、、等。

除了创作和演唱,她多次参与电影、电视演出,评价毁誉参半,成为继Bette Midler之后唱而优则演的另一个明星歌手。多次参与热门电视剧Mad About You《新婚物语》,在94年获得艾美奖提名,但落败。95年再获提名,这次,她赢了。

近年音乐事业有所停滞,1994年,出版新曲+精选唱片《12 Deadly Sins and then Some》,唤起人们对她的记忆。原定2001年发行的唱片《Shine》,因故胎死腹中。

2003年底,发行唱片《At last》。


Editorial Reviews
The girl who just wanted to have fun has matured into a sensitive interpreter of eclectic standards. Taking a cue from Rod Stewart Cyndi Lauper applies her formidable pipes to an eclectic collection of covers that range from a few Edith Piaf tunes ("La Vie En Rose" and "Hymn to Love") to classics from the songbooks of Bacharach/David, Etta James, and Smokey Robinson. Although there are some upbeat tracks such as the remarkably authentic Specials-styled ska of a radically reworked "Sunny Side of the Street," a rather forced but fun duet with Tony Bennett on "Makin’ Whoopee," and the cha-cha, Ricky Ricardo-ized version of Maurice Williams & the Zodiacs' "Stay," the album predominantly floats in a sober, pensive mood. Piano and subtle orchestrations add tension to sensitive readings of "Unchained Melody," "Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood," and an eerily somber "Walk on By." The effect is haunting and intimate as Lauper unleashes her inner Tori Amos. Shifting "You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me" into an aching ballad, the singer shows her remarkable vocal range and interpretive ability. Lauper's voice sparkles throughout, especially without the overproduction that has marred some of her previous efforts. As its title infers, At Last finally shows her true colors. --Hal Horowitz





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