
The Verve - Urban Hymns (都市贊美詩)[蒼白迷茫的靈魂在淚水的撫慰中安眠,申精]


The Verve - Urban Hymns (都市贊美詩)[蒼白迷茫的靈魂在淚水的撫慰中安眠,申精]


專輯名稱:Urban Hymns
專輯藝人:The Verve
發行公司:Virgin Records
發行日期:September 30, 1997


The Verve樂隊1990 年組建於英國威根。從唱片中,你怎麽也不會猜到 Verve 是來自一個田園般的、純樸的南方小鎮。當然,如果沒有不同於一般的背景,他們永遠也不會投入這種強烈的音域中。面對目前頗為時髦的虛無逃避主義英國搖滾樂風氣,他們時而松弛、時而壓抑的風格超出了傳統的歌曲結構,代之以空間搖滾之上的迷幻主義,外加爵士風格和氛圍音樂脈絡。 樂隊的成員來自威根的溫斯坦利大學,成員包括主唱Richard Ashcroft、吉他手Nick Mccabe、貝司手Simon Jones和鼓手Peter Salisbury。他們早期的單曲,如“All In The Mind”和“Gravity Grave”,初步確立了樂隊猛烈的音樂招牌。 1989 年,他們與Virgin 公司所屬的Hut 公司簽約,在隨後的幾年中,樂隊出版了一系列頗受好評的單曲,諸如“She's A Superstar”和“Blue”等,都進入了獨立音樂的排行榜。 1993年,他們出版了第一張專輯“A Storm In The Heaven”,真正顯示了他們的實力。這張專輯是在與世隔絕的康沃爾郡錄音室完成的,具有與Van Morrison 的“Astral Weeks”或Talk Talk 的“Spirit of Eden”相同的水準。當然,這完全是他們自己的風格。其中一些片斷,如同在溫暖的夏日裏潮汐縈繞在你耳邊;但另一些,如“Silde Away”和“The Sun,The Sea”,厚重的吉他音如同潮水一般。 Verve 在英國也成了熱門樂隊,被傳媒稱為“下一件大事”。

1994 年,Verve 出了一張集單曲和單曲B面歌曲的集錦“No Come Down”,並且開始了美國之行,雖然有來自美國爵士樂公司Verve的商標糾紛,但他們還是開發了美國的新市場。他們也曾與 Oasis 樂隊一起在英國巡演,最後他們與Oasis的制作人Owen Morris搭上了關系,Morris答應他們擔任第2張專輯“A Northern Soul”的制作人。 1995 年“A Northern Soul”出版,英國傳媒的好評鋪天蓋地,然而它還是被美國市場忽略了。盡管如此,該專輯在英國排行榜上的表現還不錯,進入了前20名。“On Your Own”、“History”和“This is Music”都是上乘之作。這次所有的曲目結構性更強,內容都取材於自己的親身經歷,特別是Mccabe的吉他尤為特色。不幸的是,雖然憑著樂隊這樣的高水平會使他們前途無量,但他們卻在第二張專輯出版不久便宣布解散,主要原因是Ashcroft和Mccabe在創作和個人關系上出現了裂痕。

看來The Verve在到達頂峰之前就要走向滅亡,也許這就是1996年末尾他們在兩人的關系有所好轉的情況下錄制的第三張專輯“Urban Hymns”這麽值得關註的原因之一。唱片裏的大部分歌曲都是Ashcroft有意地嘗試一些吉他solo或者說一個新的音樂組合,然而,在宏大廣闊的音響背景中,“Urban Hymns”明白無誤地告訴了人們他們還是一個完整的樂隊。不管是如致幻藥引起的幻覺般的“Catching the Butterfly”還是充滿重擊聲的“Come on”,雖然沒有徹底去除,the Verve還是緩和了他們恍惚的迷幻的漂流,使人聽起來要更加強硬。宏偉的“Bitter Sweet Symphony”,淡抹著鄉村特色且令人心碎的“The Drugs Don't Work”是讓人驚詫的一對歌曲,兩首聖歌般的把個人普遍化並因此聽起來像instant classics的歌謠。他們只是冰山的頂峰——“Sonnet”是一首可愛的,帶著讓人驚訝的樸素的歌謠,“The Rolling People”有著整齊的電子力量,並且其他歌都有著名副其實的質量。盡管在一些方面的嘗試走得太遠,“Urban Hymns”也是一張豐富的專輯,它使搖滾傳統獲得了新生。這是一張the Verve從成立之初就開始追求的專輯,結果證明我們的等待確實值得。


01. Bitter Sweet Symphony
02. Sonnet
03. The Rolling People
04. The Drugs Don't Work
05. Catching The Butterfly
06. Neon Wilderness
07. Space And Time
08. Weeping Willow
09. Lucky Man
10. One Day
11. This Time
12. Velvet Morning
13. Come On

當迷幻的音律融化掉淒美的詩韻時,流淌出來的是柔軟的感動,一個絲絨般的世界四處飛舞著淚滴裹藏匿的真誠,散落在上蒼泛黃的詩頁上。The Verve用青春的仿徨和熱情撫動琴弦,顫動的空氣翻過詩頁,讓新的淚滴記下這首唯美的城市贊美詩。

《Urban Hymns》的迷幻氣質是淩駕在感動意義上甜蜜與苦澀交織的樂章,更廣闊的音域撕破了單純的淒迷特質,這是年輕人用靈魂蛻變的陣痛譜寫的詩句,真誠的吟唱凝結了聽者的共鳴。
Bittersweet Symphony
The Verve的大多數音樂都打上了憂郁的烙印,Richard Ashcroft的歌聲總帶有些許慵懶。《Bittersweet Symphony》是專輯的主打歌曲,它足以撫慰每一個在現實生活中迷失的人。大量弦樂的鋪墊使歌曲飽滿而富有感染力。小提琴輕快的舞動宣泄出博愛的起始,贊美生命的交響樂在Ashcroft緩慢從容的聲音中幻化出自省後的坦然。安靜的誦讀著教悔並感受著本幹燥的空氣慢慢飽和水分後的潮濕,這是一種陌生的感覺。



Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
Try to make ends meet
Your a slave to money then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you
to the places where all the things meet yeah

No change,
I can't change I can't change, I can't change
But I'm here in my mould, I am here in my mould
But I'm a million different people from one day to the next
I can't change my mould
No, no, no, no, no

Well I never pray
But tonight I'm on my knees yeah
I need to hear some sounds
that recognize the pain in me, yeah
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind,
I feel free now
But the airways are clean
and there's nobody singing to me now

No change,
I can't change I can't change, I can't change
But I'm here in my mould, I am here in my mould
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next
I can't change my mould
No, no, no, no, no
I can't change I can't change

'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
Try to make ends meet
Try to find some money, then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you
to the places where all the things meet yeah

You know I can't change, I can't change
I can't change, I can't change
But I'm here in my mould, I am here in my mould
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next
I can't change my mould
No, no, no, no, no
I can't change my mould
no, no, no, no, no,
I can't change

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
(It justs sex and violence melody and silence)
(Been down)
(Ever been down)
That you've ever been down
That you've ever been down
The Drugs Don't Work
在這首作品中The Verve拋棄了他們慣用的弦樂表現形式,大量的木吉他映襯著主音Richard憂傷和略帶苦澀的吟唱,簡樸的辭藻震輕輕地憾動著心靈,在有意無意間感人至深,只可惜這部憂郁詩篇成了他們的絕唱。歌中空靈的箱琴從容的掃過陰霾的歌聲,真誠的起伏將某種感傷刺入鼓膜。"Never coming down , Normal , Norma , Norma ... ”連同流暢的樂聲無形的流淌在傍晚血色的光影中。



All this talk of getting old
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down
And I hope you're thinking of me
As you lay down on your side
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
But I know I'm on a losing streak
'Cause I passed down my old street
And if you wanna show, then just let me know
And I'll sing in your ear again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
'Cause baby, ooh,
if heaven calls,
I'm coming, too
Just like you said,
you leave my life
I'm better off dead
All this talk of getting old
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
'Cause baby, ooh,
if heaven calls,
I'm coming, too
Just like you said,
you leave my life,
I'm better off dead
But if you wanna show, just let me know
And I'll sing in your ear again
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
I'm never going down, I'm never coming down
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more
I'm never coming down, I'm never going down
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more


[ 本帖最后由 baddychen 于 2007-12-16 13:37 编辑 ]




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